The festival was initially created as a positive community response to a major CBD streetscaping project in Warwick
It was created to:-
- Boost economy – grow tourism visitation and retail activity in a shoulder season by creating a bright and colourful atmosphere during a ‘dull’ time of year, and
- Increase participation in the arts – to generate creativity, increase community participation in arts and share textile art with more people.
- Create community ownership through a fun and entertaining way of using the new look streetscape
The inaugural Jumpers & Jazz & Jalopies in July festival was staged in 2004 as an initiative of the Warwick Art Gallery, with its primary program elements being:
- Jumpers on Trees, and
- Jazz Program of Events
- Jalopies on display
In 2006 an organising committee was formed developing a partnership of Warwick Art Gallery and Warwick Tourism & Events Pty Ltd. This was a very successful partnership as the Tourism entity at the time saw the huge benefits in attracting tourists to the region in what would have otherwise been a quiet time of the year.
Later, in 2010, Destination Southern Downs stepped into the partnership with Warwick Art Gallery to deliver the festival.
In 2016 Jumpers and Jazz was handed back to the community of Warwick and surrounding areas to support the future development of the festival. Jumpers and Jazz in July Inc was created as a not for profit incorporated association in November 2016.
Since the 2017 Festival, JJJ has been run by a volunteer community organisation as a not-for-profit incorporated association. The committee have successfully delivered six events (2020 was cancelled due to COVID), each attracting more visitors than the year before, except for 2021 which was impacted by COVID restrictions.
It has been a priority for the JJJ committee to maintain the integrity of the festival and to hold true to the original vision of the creators of the festival.
Vision Statement:
To be Queensland’s quirkiest and most vibrant hallmark winter festival.
Purpose Statement:
To support the Southern Downs community’s creative engagement and visitor economy
Community, Integrity, Passion and Team
These values are the cornerstones of the Festival culture and Festival experience. They are the guiding principles for decision making and interactions of the committee, industry stakeholders, community and the festival attendees.
Visitors and locals alike love the street vibe and the energy that is projected during the 10 days of the festival.
Jazz music piped throughout the main street heralds the beginning of 10 wonderful days of festival fun beginning with the dressing of the trees.
20 years on from the beginning of the festival, with many passionate people contributing to the success each year, we celebrate two decades of creativity and community spirit. Each year, the festival proudly offers an amazing collection of engaging, fun events and activities, workshops and exhibitions that cater to all age groups and interests.
Over recent years the number of local community organisations and businesses has significantly increased (from 31 event hosts in 2017 to 53 event hosts in 2024) – achieving the original vision of creating community ownership in a fun and entertaining way.
Visitor experience is foremost in the minds of the festival organisers and is evidenced by the commitment to offer events throughout the whole Southern Downs Region, especially featuring the smaller villages.
In 2023, the festival injected $4.34M into the region’s economy, thus supporting the initial vision of boosting the local economy and growing tourism visitation and retail activity in the ‘off peak’ season by creating a bright and colourful atmosphere during a normally ‘dull’ time of year.
This year, in 2024, the festival will provide over 160 event experiences providing a rich cultural tapestry to festival attendees, assisting us to reach the original goal of increasing participation in the arts and sharing textile art with more people.
As the committee reviews the achievements of this festival throughout the 20 years since 2004, we are confident that we are kicking goals and maintaining the original vision and integrity and we hope that all visitors to the festival will feel the vibe of this quirky unique winter festival.
This festival is a tribute to our region’s vibrant community spirit and pride in the place where we live.
Written by Pam Burley, President and Event Coordinator