join jumpers & jazz in july inc

In November 2016 the Jumpers and Jazz in July Advisory Team was formally set up as a not for profit incorporated association. The festival is now entirely community funded and run.  

We invite anyone who has the ideas and the motivation to support the growth and sustainability of this treasured community festival to become members of Jumpers and Jazz in July Inc.  Membership is only $15. Members can also nominate for a position on our Management Committee via an expression of interest form. 

See links below to Membership form.

N.B. AGM  2024 to be advised


  1. Apply online using the form below  OR
  2. Download and print the PDF form. Forms with $15 membership fee included may be dropped off in an envelope marked “JJJ membership”into the Jumpers and Jazz box at the Warwick Art Gallery foyer
  3. Forms can be emailed to with bank transfer receipt number of membership fee included 

Memberships are valid until 31 October 2024. New memberships for 2025 must be received prior to the AGM in November 2024 to be a financial member and to have voting rights.

Bank Details:  

A/C: 100005238

Membership Application

Annual membership [New & Renewal) for 2024 is $15.00. Your request for membership must be signed by two members of the Management Committee. (You are welcome to submit your application without committee signatures and it will be considered and processed at the next management committee meeting). In the unlikely event that an application is not accepted, a full refund for membership fee will apply
(If bank transfer)
(What specific skills would you like to share with the JJJ team?)

2024 Jumpers and Jazz in July Inc. Management Committee:​

President: Pam Burley

Secretary: Carol Sternberg

Treasurer: Nancy DePrada

Committee Coordinator Roles:

Events : Pam Burley

Media/Marketing: Bette Bonney

Local Business Engagement: Charlotte Kelly

Compliance : Jim Quirk

  Business Development: Dee Ventor

Sub Committee Coordinator roles:

Logistics : Naomi Thomas

Yarntopians: Loretta Grayson

Volunteers: Annette Millard

Grand Automobile Display:  Neil Burley