KEY FESTIVAL EVENTS FULL PROGRAM MUSICIAN PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE Use the toolbar below to turn pages, enlarge or download the schedule!Or – Scroll down to choose your interest area " Official Yarnbombed Tree ExhibitionYarntopian InstallationJazzy Crafters Pop-Up EmporiumShowcasing Our AteliersWarwick Art GallerySIGNATURE FESTIVAL CONCERT: Jumpin’ Jazz Laneway PartyArtisans Markets at the GallerySaturday Downtown JazzKillarney Bonfire NightGrand Automobile DisplayPotter’s Soup NightSaturday Stroll & SwingSuitcase Rummage MarketCelebration of Local FlavoursSIGNATURE FESTIVAL EVENT: Local Flavours Long LunchSIGNATURE FESTIVAL CONCERT: Twilight Jazz ‘n Blues in the ParkPicnic in the Park – Warwick Potters Craft MarketPicnic in the Park Jazz Arena