Jumpers and Jazz in July Management Committee

Structure of the Jumpers and Jazz in July Management Committee

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Event Program Coordinator — oversee the program curation
  • Local Business Engagement Coordinator – focusing on relationships and increasing business engagement with the festival
  • Marketing/Media Coordinator – marketing & promotion of the festival, including working with outsourced professionals and agencies
  • Compliance Coordinator – including Risk Management, Traffic Management, Licencing and Permits
  • Logistics Coordinator -To collaborate with Event Coordinator & Compliance coordinator to ensure all required equipment and plans are in place in a timely manner
  • Business Development Coordinator – including merchandising, income growth, entrepreneurial opportunities, sponsorship
  • Volunteer Coordinator – recruitment, selection, training and support for volunteers
  • Sub-Committees are formed to create working groups under the direction of the coordinators on the management committee. Additionally, Yarntopians and JJJ Creative teams manage the creative aspects of the festival in collaboration with events and media coordinators (This excludes the tree jumper competition which is managed by Warwick Art Gallery)

This team will have monthly meetings focused on progress updates from the operations team and decision making. Meetings aim to be positive, efficient, and outcomes focused. Meetings will be held more frequently as required closer to the event.

Urgent decision making may be required utilising Group Messenger and Email, with decisions to be formally ratified at the next management committee meeting.

Management Committee consists of up to 8 committee members and they can fulfil 2 roles if appropriate and they have capacity to do so.

What roles / responsibilities are available for 2024?

Apply via  the Volunteer Application form to let us know your skills, availability and suggestions as to how you may be able to help our festival tick!

2024 Jumpers and Jazz in July Inc. Management Committee:​

President: Pam Burley

Secretary: Carol Sternberg

Treasurer: Nancy De Prada

Committee Coordinator Roles:

Events : Pam Burley

Media/Marketing: Bette Bonney

Local Business Engagement: Charlotte Kelly

Compliance : Jim Quirk

Business Development: Dee Ventor

Sub Committee Coordinator roles:

Logistics : Naomi Thomas

Yarntopians: Loretta Grayson 

Volunteers: Annette Millard

Grand Automobile Display: Neil Burley